Attending Your High School Reunion Checklist

By Cindy Modlin Adams

This week we welcome a Guest Blogger, Cindy Modlin Adams. Dame Cindy is a nurse practitioner who works in her community theater as a produce.  She loves to sing, walk, and rescue Golden Retrievers. She developed the following checklist just before attending her first high school reunion at age 54. I think we can all resonate with her tremendous honesty and humor.

Me and my best friend in the 9th grade!

12 Months Before

  • Restrict calories
  • Schedule more workouts
  • Start using wrinkle cream

9 Months Before

  • Worry that weight isn’t coming off fast enough
  • Notice that the wrinkles aren’t disappearing

3 Months Before

  • Consider changing your mind about attending, or decide to finally accept yourself and GROW UP (whatever THAT is)
  • Start sharing high school stories with your husband

1 Month Before

  • Read yearbooks to remember names and faces
  • Gather pictures and news clippings
  • Read all hand-written notes on back of pictures; laugh and cry
  • Make your husband listen to more stories
  • Order teeth-whitening solution from dentist
  • Schedule hair appointment
  • Schedule manicure for a few days before the reunion

2 Weeks Before

  • Spend some time in the sun
  • Commit to the long-term plan of cutting your hair short and highlighting despite the upcoming reunion
  • Meet with just turned 100-year-old friend for high school reunion advice – share Oreos and realize life is too short to worry about weight and acne scars that still show — listen to her advice that reunions can be fun AND scary and that hair color is a good idea even though she absolutely NEVER colored hers

2 Days Before

  • Whiten teeth one last time
  • Pluck eyebrows
  • Pluck chin hairs
  • Trim nose hairs

1 Day Before

  • Remember even if you don’t have all your mental or physical faculties, you still have the essence of your youth within you
  • Don’t eat beans or any other gas-producing vegetables

Day of Reunion

  • Remember that the risk of shared memories today may be the joy of tomorrow
  • Don’t forget to wear your uplifting padded bra and spandex thigh shapers
  • Recheck for chin and nose hairs
  • Change your mind about eating beans or gas-producing vegetables (after all, you were the one who handed out the Fart Quiz to your Math and English teachers)
  • Embrace your friends who have taken the same journey and smile
  • Offer to light a match


Me and the same best friend at the reunion!