How to Gain Weight Without Even Trying

I have watched “The Biggest Loser” and follow Jillian Michaels fitness tips. I have brought in our own fitness (Lorri Hanna).

These people have a gift for helping people stay fit. I started pondering what my gift might be in this area, and I’ve finally uncovered it.

I can gain weight without even trying.

So, what do I do with a gift? I share it with you all. Below is a link that offers a free download containing 50 Effective Tips for gaining weight. It includes some of my best suggestions, like:

  • Decide to go on a diet. You will gain 5 lbs. before the decision is fully formed in your mind. This might have to do with the multiple evenings you party prior to the diet with the belief that “This is my last night before my diet, so I’m going to enjoy it.”
  • Buy five Lean Cuisine lunches to get you through the week. Put them in the freezer and label them for each day of the week. Then eat them all in two days.
  • Next time you’re eating at a restaurant, order water with lemon rather than the sweet tea that you would prefer. Once the water arrives, squeeze the lemon into it. Next, add three packets of sugar. Stir vigorously.

There are 47 more along with some great dieting quotes, and it’s free!  Please feel free to download it, share it with friends, share it on twitter, join our Facebook Fan Page, or offer it on your own blog.

To get my free gift to you just click on the link below:

How to Gain Weight Without Even Trying 05.02.12

Once you read it, I really, really want you to comment and/or share your own tips.

If I get more than ten tips I will update the material every couple of weeks with your thoughts and ideas (and credit to you and your blog if desired)!

So, good luck. By the way, if you follow my tips I can guarantee weight gain within the next few days. 🙂